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编辑:小语种学习 2015-05-16 14:26 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com

15. from(来自……)

Weve learnt a lot from our teacher.

They are busy from morning to night.(from……to…… 从……到……)

The letter is from your parents.

I have been aay from home for a long time.

(be aay from home 离开家)

(be from 来自) Im from China.

The film e sa yesterday as different from the novel.

(be different from 与……不同,differ from)

The ine is made from the best grapes.

make from 化学变化

make of 物理变化 The desk is made of ood.

make sth. up 由……组成

Animal bodies are made up of cells.

Society is made up of people of idely differing abilities.

make ith sth. 迅速拿出或提供某物

Make ith the beers, buster. 伙计,拿啤酒来。

make for 为……做……

She made coffee for all of us.

Millions of people are suffering from the ar.(suffer from 遭受)

He is eak from lack of sleep. (lack of 缺乏)

I disagree ith them from the beginning.

(disagree ith 不同意 agree ith 同意)

I try to prevent them from doing the ork, but in vain.

(prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事)

(in vain 毫无作用,徒劳)

The situation is getting from bad to orse.

The guest is talking from beginning to the end.

16. in(在……里)

She as born in 1980.

Well be back in three days.

( He came back three days ago.)

Do you ork in the daytime or at night?

Well be back in no time. (in no time 立刻,马上)

He is in his early thirties. (in ones thirties 三十多岁)

He is alays in a good mood.

(in a good mood 情绪很好 in a bad mood 情绪很糟)

I have no difficulty/ trouble in solving the problem.

(no difficulty in doing sth. 没有困难)

Did you have any difficulty in finding the hotel?

Can you rite in English?

They have done it in a rong ay. (in a rong ay 错误的方式)

They accepted the plan in principle. (in principle 原则上)

17. into(进入)

Lets go into the room.

I orked far into the night.

The house has been turned into a museum.(turn into 变成)

We must put these theories into practice.

They all burst into laughter. (burst into 爆发)

At the nes, my sister burst into tears.

(burst into tears 放声大哭)

I ran into my former classmate at the station. We havent seen each other for a long time.

(run into 偶然碰到,偶然遇到)

18. like(像……)

He likes its mother. 他喜欢他的母亲。

The baby looks like its mother.

It looks like sno.

Whats the eather like today?

I dont feel like eating anything.

What does it look(taste) like?

19. of(……的)

He is a friend of mine.

Have you got the Complete Works of Lu Hsun?

Were of the same opinion. (be of 赞同)

Electricity is of great use in industry and everyday life.

(be of use=be useful)

Your help is of great value to us.

(be of value=be valuable)

I often think of the days e spent together. (think of 想起)

I read it quite by chance in a magazine. (by chance 偶然)

Its very kind of you to remind me of it.

(Its very kind of sb.

remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事)

The picture reminds me of the time e spent together in Dalian.

Were proud of our son. (be proud of 以……为骄傲)

The little boy is afraid of dogs. (be afraid of 害怕)

Its just aste of time.

He is ashamed of his past. (be ashamed of 羞耻,惭愧)

The village is short of ater. (be short of 缺少)

I do all these of my on ill. (of ones on 出于某人的意愿)

20. on(在……上)

You hit the nail on the head. 你这话击中了要害。

Put the book on the shelf, please.

My mother as born on April 14, 1947.


He left Beijing for home on the morning of July 2.

(in the morning ,具体到某一天的上午、下午、晚上用on )

On the eve of their departure, they gave a fareell banquet.

(on the eve of 在……前夕)

We usually get up late on Sunday morning.

On his return he told us about the meeting.

They ill go on a visit to Asia. (go on a visit=visit )

He is here on business. (be on business 做生意)

She is aay on a trip. (on a trip 旅行)

The orkers at the airport is on strike. (be on strike 罢工)

When e came back, e found our house on fire.

(on fire 着火)

The professor is making a speech on the current situation.(关于)

This house is on sale. (on sale 出售)

Whos on duty today?

The girl insists on leaving home and depends on herself for a living.

(insist on 坚持 depend on 依靠,依赖)

21. out of(出于)

Looking out of the indo, I sa a girl turn round the corner.

They came out of the room to ele us.

My brother has been out of the hospital for a eek.

(be out of the hospital 出院 be in hospital 住院)

He did it out of gratitude for us.

We helped the poor boy out of sympathy.

Please get out of the ay. 别挡道。

All of us ere out of breath hen e got to the top of the mountain.

(be out of breath 气喘吁吁)

The coat is out of date. (be out of date 过时)

My mother is out of ork no. (be out of ork 失业)

22. since(自从)

They have been close friends since childhood.(从儿童时期他们就是好朋友)

Weve alays been on guard since then.(be on guard 警惕)

I got to kno him last year, and have been riting to each

other since then.

23. through(通过、穿过)

There is a path through the garden.

Ive gone through the book.(go through 看过 浏览过)

She must have been through a lot.(be through 受罪)

We quickly sa through his trick.(see through 看穿)

Ho soon ill you be through? (be through 打电话)

Youre through no.你的电话接通了。

He began to look through the album.(look through 翻阅)

The couple ent through many hardships.(go through 经历)

Shes ill all through September.

24. to

All roads lead to Rome.

Did you go to the exhibition last eek?

Well change the date to July 10.(to 到什么时间)

Lets drink to your health.(drink to 为什么干杯)

Dont leave things to the last moment.(to the last moment 到最后一刻)

I must apologize to you.

Happy Christmas! The same to you.

Youre afully nice to me.

Hainan lies to the south of Guangdong.(lie on, lie in )

To our surprise, she gave up the opportunity.(to ones

suuprise 使某人感到惊奇 give up 放弃)

The final score is 3:5 in our favor.

To our surprise, everything in the room is in good order.(be in good order 秩序井然)

25. under(在……的下面)

Some girls are singing under the trees.

The road is under repair.(be under repair 正在修理)

From here, e can see the bridge under construction.

Scientists believe that they ill get eather under control

some day.(under control 在控制之中)

The proposal is no under discussion.(proposal 提案)

The unpopular mayor is under constant attack in the nespapers.

26. ith(和……)

Who as that ith you? 你刚才和谁在一起?

Our teacher is strict ith us.(be strict ith sb. 对某人严格要求)

My father is alays patient ith me.(be patient ith 对某人有耐心)

Were satisfied ith our ork.(be satisfied ith 对……满意)

She is discussing the idea ith her tutor.

Were familiar ith each other.(be famililar ith 熟悉 similiar to 相似)

Her eyes ere filled ith tears.(be filled ith 充满)

Hes in bed ith flu.

The ground as covered ith sno.

The street is croded ith people.(be croed ith 拥挤)

He anted to kill to birds ith one stone.( 一举两得)

The girl greeted me ith a smile.

The young man ith glasses over there is my brother.

Whats the matter ith you?

I found the place ith great difficulty.(ith great difficulty费很大劲)

Its hot outside. He as orking there ith only a T-shirt on.

The girl as sitting in a chair ith her hands folded.