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编辑:小语种学习 2024-02-24 14:21 浏览: 来源:www.liuxuekuai.com
1.Do you have any hobbies?你有什么爱好吗?
2. What are you interested in? 你对什么比较感兴趣?
3.What are your interests?你的爱好是什么?
4. What do you do in your spare time? 空闲时间你干什么?
5.Ho do you spend your evenings?夜生活你都是怎么过的?
6.Lots of people like stamp collecting.许多人喜欢集邮。
7.I am a Michael Jordan fan. 我是迈克尔·乔丹迷。
8. Does his film appeal to you? 你喜欢他的电影吗?
9.Do you go on piics? 你常去郊游吗?
10.I particularly like English literature. 我对英国文学情有独钟。
11.What's so interesting about football? We girls don't like it.足球有什么意思?我们女生不喜欢它。
12. She has a particular interest in painting.她特别爱好绘画。
13.Ioften take my mind off my orkby reading aninteresting novel.通常我通过阅读小说使我的注意力从工作上转移过来。
14. He plays violin just for enjoyment. 他拉小提琴只是为了自娱自乐。
15.Photography is an expensive hobby.摄影是门花费很多的爱好。
1.Will you go shopping ith me?你跟我去买东西吗 ?
2. Here's your change.这是找你的钱。
3.I'II go to pick up some odds and ends at the store.我要到商店买些零碎的东西。
4.Excuse me,ould you tell me hereI can get some butter?打扰一下,您能告诉我黄油在哪儿卖吗?
5. May I have a look at the atch? 我能看看这块表吗 ?
6.May I try it on? 我能试试吗 ?
7.This is too small for me.Do you have a bigger one?这个太小了,有大点的吗?
8. Do you have any more colors?有别的颜色吗 ?
9. What's your size?你穿多大号 ?
10. It suits you to a T.特别适合你。
11.It's too expensive for me. 对于我来说太贵了。
12. Can you came don a bit?可以再便宜点吗 ?
13.I'II take it.我买了。
14. Ho much is it? 这卖多少钱 ?
15. Ho much do I oe you? 我该付多少钱 ?
1.This area is noted for its rich soil. 这个地区以土壤肥沃著称。
2.The place is too stony for farming.这地方太多石块,不适合耕种。
3.In the flat country,people gro heat and raise cattle.在这平坦的乡间,人们种指小麦,饲养牲畜。
4.He has bought 10 tractors for the village. 他为村里买了10台拖拉机。
5.What's the typical farm product in this region?这个地区典型的农产品是什么?
6.At this time of the year farmers begin to plo their fields.每年这个时候,农民们开始犁地。
7. Have you milked the cos?你已经挤过奶了吗?
8. Pile the hay in the corner.把干草堆到边上。
9.What's the average yearly output of cars in your factory?你们厂平均年产汽车多少台?
10.The meat packing industry is developing fast.肉类加工业发展迅速。
11.Car manufacturers are having a bad time.汽车制造商的日子不好过。
12.State-oned enterprises are getting out of difficulty.国有企业开始走上坡路。
13.Ho many orkshops are there in your factory? 你们厂有多少车间?
14.The puter industry is booming.计算机业繁荣起来。
15.The information industry helps boost the global economy.信息业推进全球经济发展。